A network of concepts and objects, leading to higher level actions
Objects (like apparel-fragments) tagged with barcode/RFID can be tracked at each point of process flow. E.g. cutting, sewing, and packing in a typical garment factory.
Track or record time and duration of a machine's start/stop, labour's arrival/departure from machinery etc in a typical manufacturing industry.
Control of equipment based on live parameters derived from other dependent parts can save energy and imporve efficiency.
Excessive emission of chemicals, gas etc can be monitored and controlled.
Save a lot of manual efforts spent in moving data derived from various machineries and/or products being manufactured in the factory.
Equip with proper tools, devices and technologies to monitor and coordinate production related activities.
Avoid wasteful expenses with coordinated use of scarce resources like water, electricity etc.
Our Solution
Objects (apparels, machine-process) tagged with RFID are tracked till they go out of inventory.
Using our barcode scanner at sections like Sew, Assembly, Iron, Packing, the arrival/departure of objects can be recorded.
These events are fed to your existing ERP in real-time as well as persisted in cloud.
Produces ready-to-process and accurate data.
pluGence Counter provide live update of count indication of various sections thereby immeidately relflecting then events happening at sections.
pluGence WiFi/IoT enabled switch-boards can be used to remotely control various electrical gadgets like lights, fans, and machines remotely.
An android-app to configure all devices, get statues and manage. Like switch-board points be made ON/OFF.
Sensor device has temperature, humidity, light, proximity and carbon-gas sensors. Based on various parameters, a switch-board can be controlled by a set of configurable rules.
A multi-tenant enterprise system (pluMTES) hosted in our cloud is used by the customers to manage their pluGence devices.
No need for manual intervention.
Repetitive, boring, and error prone operations are automated.
Data gathered is directly pushed to existing MIS/ERP as well as to cloud in digital form.
Data is ready-to-process for dependent applications.
Reduction in cost of production.
Use of high-end technology.
Your business becomes I-IoT enabled.
Energy saved (human, electric, water ...).
Data redundancy is avoided.
No logistical complexity in routing data to your backend and thus a huge reduction in costs.